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FREE Mini Course

Miia Mämmelä

"We need to focus on increasing students' feeling of safety. This is how we improve overall well-being and learning".

Miia Mämmelä, Expert

Working With Trauma

Self-regulation as the Basis for Learning

Self regulation means our ability to regulate emotions, behaviour and cognitive activities. Through self-regulation, the child is able to understand and accept her emotional experience and to regulate the expression of emotions. Self-regulation is also the ability to take responsibility for one's own actions.


A good ability to self-regulate helps the child interact with other people, control herself to different stimulus, and set and achieve goals. As the child learns to control behaviour and emotions, she has the opportunity to learn how to act according to situations and goals.

Traumatisation interferes with the development of a child's self-regulation, and often traumatised children face challenges in self-regulation. This is why supporting the development of self-regulation and emotion regulation with a traumatised child is paramount to the well-being and favourable development of the child. The teacher and other teaching staff have a good chance to influence this during school days.


During the course we will look at how self-regulation and emotion regulation evolve, how their disorders manifest, and how you can support the development of self-regulation and emotion regulation at school.

Introduction to Self-regulation

How Supporting Self-regulation Helps a Child With Trauma

What self- and emotion regulation is

How trauma affects the development of self-regulation

How self-regulation affects learning

How self- and emotion regulation manifest in a child

How you can support the development of self- and emotion regulation in school

White Walls

Learn the basics of self-regulation and emotion regulation

Help to Learn

For Teachers & People Working With Children

The work of a teacher is challenging and at times even very difficult, but very important for the well-being of many children. The purpose of the trauma sensitive approach is not to increase the workload of the teacher, but to help the teacher understand, face and help traumatised children, thereby facilitating their own work and increasing coping.


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