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“Even if a child's mental well-being deteriorates, it does not have to prevent them from attending school and learning. It’s our job to ensure this”.

-Anttoni Alho / Special Education Teacher / Psychology studies / Founder


Hands-on approach for encountering challenging behaviour, managing challenging situations and increasing well-being


The mental well-being of children / adolescents has deteriorated and, at the same time, mental disorders and challenging behaviour have increased. We help education professionals encounter these challenges and identify, help and teach young people with impaired mental well-being. Here, the right and timely intervention is key, but more important in challenging situations, rather than learning new and different methods, is to encounter without preconceptions and ready-made solutions. How to do it - get help from our services

A successful school path is an important protective factor in increasing the well-being of children and adolescents and in preventing school exclusion. As children/ adolescents spend much of the day in school, it is important that teachers have the ability to identify and encounter mental health issues. The teacher is often the person who notices the challenges of the child and plays an important role in helping the child recover.

Cable Cars

We offer our clients online training and online courses on selected topics. Our main focus is to help professionals working with children / adolescents understand the challenges of mental health, to face the challenging behaviour arising from these challenges, and to support growth and learning nonetheless. We state that even if a child's mental well-being deteriorates, it does not have to prevent them from attending school. It is our job to ensure this. At the same time, we support the adult's coping at work and professional development.


Our customers have been very satisfied with the practicality and clarity of our online courses. The courses offer flexible, hands-on assistance to the everyday working environment and 100% of our course attendees recommend our courses to a colleague.


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"The course was very relevant to my current job. I was pleased that the speaker of the course was very articulate and spoke slowly enough without emphasizing things / words. The course in its entity was one of the best courses I have taken. And I have taken tens of courses before.  Scarring of the mind is one the of the great challenges of today , to which society is not sufficiently prepared. Thank you!"

"The training was really good and covered a wide range of topics and clearly summarized things. The examples also brought a lot of relief and helped me to understand how to work in different situations. I think the course covered a lot of different topics ".

Challenging behavior is the result of a child's difficulty to which they have not developed abilities. It is often an effort to cope with a difficult situation for the child themselves and to communicate and tell about their own world of experience.

Strengths and resources create the foundation for positive and desirable behavior. Thus, finding and reinforcing these traits directs behavior in the desired direction.

Foresight is key to preventing challenging situations. When you learn to read and notice the essential signs in a young person’s behaviour, you will be able to address the situation before it escalates.

When encountering challenging behavior, it is important to find the reasons behind it. So, always encounter the person, not the crisis, trauma or problem. When you see behind the behaviour, the child as an individual, you get to dig into the cause of the challenge.

Restore your sense of control

Follow these steps to gain confidence in challenging situations and reduce their recurrence:

Encounter the child, not the problem

Identify the reasons behind the challenges

Find resources and strengths

Learn to anticipate



Our online courses introduce the theoretical knowledge of mental well-being and the challenges and problems it brings to a child's life. In addition, we offer you practical advice on how to identify the causes of challenging behavior, how to deal with a child / young person behaving in a challenging way, and how to prevent difficult, aggressive or challenging situations.


In case you have a particular issue or a challenging situation at hand that you would like to have help with, please do not hesitate to contact us. Let's evaluate your situation and together assess how we could resolve it.

Flag on Mountain Peak
Jaakko Seikkula

"First, and foremost, we need to always encounter the person first - not the crisis or trauma. This is just something that has happened to the person and does not define her entire personality".

Jaakko Seikkula 

Advisor, Professor Emeritus Psychotherapy

Anchor 1

Help to Learn

A Smoother Schoolday

We are happy to have you at our site. It is wonderful to see that you are interested in developing yourself professionally and above all in helping children in these challenging life situations. Our goal is to ease the burden a bit and help the day go along a little smoother. The advice and tips given during our course can easily be integrated into everyday teaching. 

Hope to see you inside the class!

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